March 21, 28, and April, 4 2022
As part of the teaching workshop Traditional Instruments Playing Techniques (prof. Nicola Scaldaferri), Shan Du (PhD Candidate in Ethnomusicology at the University of Bologna) hold three lectures on the Chinese traditional instruments of the Han people. The first meeting focused on the plucked string instruments guqin and guzheng; the second delved into the role of instruments in the Taoists rituals; the third was dedicated to the musical aspects of the Qingming Festival and the funeral rites.
All three lectures were enriched by live musical performances. Young Chinese players Wanying Fu (guzheng) and Jingzhi Zhao (guqin) performed original repertoire for their instruments, while Nicola Scaldaferri and Shan Du played a Chinese arrangement of a traditional tune for violin and piano.
This lecture series has been supported by the Istituto Confucio of the University of Milan.
在Nicola Scaldaferri教授的“民间乐器演奏技巧”研讨课程期间,来自博洛尼亚大学民族音乐学专业的博士生杜杉主讲了三场关于汉族民间乐器的专题讲座。第一场的主题是拨弦乐器古琴和古筝;第二场的主题是道教仪式中所使用的乐器;第三场则是以清明节及丧葬仪式中的音乐现象为主要论题。
三场讲座都伴有现场音乐展示。中国青年乐手付婉莹(古筝)和赵静之(古琴)为大家演奏了乐器的传统曲目;Nicola Scaldaferri和杜杉则以小提琴和钢琴合奏的形式为大家呈现了传统曲目的改编版本。
Music Performances